How to Hide Weed Smell in Indoor Cannabis Cultivation Facilities
The idea of growing, cultivating, and bringing to market cannabis crops has become a huge industry throughout the United States, as the continued growth of this market takes place with more commercial businesses providing supply to this booming cannabis industry. Although this industry brings with it many benefits such as large profits and increasing health benefits from these crops – it also will come with disadvantages such as the putrid weed odor that emanate from these larger cultivation facilities. The cannabis crops will contain many growth stages, and during some of these stages it will produce what is known as weed smell into the air space. Depending on how open the environment is to outside environments, along with the ventilation in this space it can flood the entire indoor space of the cannabis grow room and even outside surrounding areas.
The production of cannabis odors from commercial cannabis cultivation facilities have been subjected to stringent regulations set in place by certain states that enforce the need for odor control solutions in these spaces to avoid the release of it into surrounding areas near these businesses. However, when it comes to hiding the smell produced from weed this can be easier said than done, particularly in a large commercial capacity. Therefore, we are going to discuss how to hide weed smell in indoor cannabis cultivation facilities and collect a better understanding of the main causes behind cannabis odors and how long/far they can travel in the air.
In this article we are going to learn more about indoor cannabis cultivation facilities and their growing issues with odor control, along with determining the best solutions to implement to get rid of weed smell in this commercial space.
Do Weed Plants Smell
What does weed smell like during the cultivation process? When it comes to the initial planting of cannabis crops, you likely will experience little to no odor being released from these cannabis plants. However, that will not be the case throughout the entire growth phases of this crop – as an odor will likely begin to occur around the 3 to 6-week mark of this crops growing phase. To understand the odors that are produced from this plant it is important to dive deep into what this plant crop is and what properties it contains that essentially contribute to its odor. Cannabis is one of the most recognizable plants in the world due to its distinctive leaf shape and medicinal properties that the leaves contain. According to How Stuff Works, the cannabis plant contains hundreds of chemicals, 109 of which fall into the cannabinoids category.
As the weed plants begin to grow and once they reach maturity the marijuana smells will be the strongest. This plant smell is caused by the chemical structure that the plant takes on when it reaches the maturity growth stage of their life. Below we will discuss the exact chemicals found in cannabis that causes this odor that will become airborne into the environment overtime.
Why Does Weed Smell Like Skunk
The smell that is produced from cannabis crops comes directly from the chemical composition of the plant, and when the plant reaches the maturity stage it will contain an array of chemicals that will only create a stronger odor from the plant. The main chemical component within a cannabis crop that produces the pungent, well-known odor is called terpenes. Terpenes are organic compounds that are found in not only cannabis plants, but also in a variety of other plants – and they can be present in this plant by the hundreds. However, when it comes to the odors that are released from these terpenes, each of these chemicals will produce a different odor some of which will be stronger and more noticeable than others depending on the strain.
Many of these terpenes that are found in cannabis crops will take on the smell of thiols, this is the chemical odor that creates the well-known skunk spray smell that most people dread. Therefore, when the weed crops begin to flourish and reach maturity the terpenes that take on the smell of skunk spray can become strong and potent as it is released into the air, and thus the reason many states are now turning to cannabis odor control regulations in these commercial buildings.
Things That Smell Like Weed
When it comes to the smell of weed that hangs in the air, often times the odor of this cannabis plant can take on the scent of other items such as the most famous comparison of skunk spray. Another thing that weed odor is often times compared to as well is that of body odor – this can be due to the chemical compound structure in this liquid that is similar to that of cannabis. The apocrine sweat gland is found around the armpits and genitals and this sweat gland is one of the most active glands during stressful periods. This sweat gland is what was found to produce an odor that is comparable to weed smell.
How Far Does the Smell of Weed Travel
Cannabis grow houses and facilities where they cultivate the plants crops will produce what can be sometimes a strong, far spreading odor that will travel in the air and taint surrounding areas with this smell. The ability for cannabis crops to emit and spread its odor into the air is something that has come under heavy scrutiny and it is one of the main reasons as to why there are now regulations set in place by many states in the Country for cannabis cultivation facilities odor control. The actual distance that weed smell can travel is hard to determine and will be impacted by a multitude of variables such as wind, climate, and the number of odors that are produced and released into the air space that can travel throughout to surrounding areas.
For recreational or medicinal marijuana use, the smell of the weed can also travel for some distance and end up tainting the entire indoor space in which the weed was smoked, as well as travel outside through the circulated air that is pushed outdoors. No matter the case, whether you are dealing with a commercial cannabis grow room/facility or a recreational/medicinal amount of weed the ability for the weed odor to travel in the air will be the same. However, a large-scale cannabis grow operation will deal with stricter regulations that they must abide by to continue their grow operation.
Commercial Cannabis Odor Control Regulations.
As of last month there are 10 states plus the District of Columbia that have jumped on board and legalized recreational cannabis, and as more states join this legalization of recreational cannabis there will be a large developing problem that will form in these specific states with legalized cannabis growing, and this is odor problems, according to Lexology. Many of these states have faced criticism from nearby areas and residents that are located centrally to these different commercial cannabis facilities. The odors that are produced from the growing cannabis crops will flood into the air and get pushed out into the outdoor air space, allowing it to travel and spread to surrounding areas.
Some states such as Washington and Colorado where recreational marijuana use has become legalized have recognized the odor problems associated with growing marijuana and thus, they have adopted regulations in relation to these odors and air quality issues. These imposed jurisdictions limit marijuana production facilities under the state’s general regulation of air pollution sources. These limits and regulations placed on commercial cannabis growers and their facilities has led to the increased need for air quality solutions and odor control products to be integrated within these indoor spaces.
Best Way to Hide Weed Smell
Are you having major odor problems within the walls of your indoor cannabis cultivation facility that has begun to impact your business? If so, then it may be time that you revamp your air quality and odor control solutions within these businesses indoor space. According to the Denver Department of Public Health & Environment’s “Cannabis Environmental Best Management Practices (BMP)”, they recommend that these cannabis facilities undergo some adjustments and integrate certain technology within this indoor space to help mitigate weed smell that may be produced heavily from the cannabis crops. These best practices for cannabis cultivation facilities include the following;
- Maintaining and regularly inspecting HVAC systems within this indoor space
- Creating a tight seal around the grow space and circulating the air for about one week
- Leave temperatures and humidity at regulated temperatures within the facility, as high temperatures and humidity would only increase the odors produced from the crops
- Integrating indoor air quality solutions within the space that will help to remove pollutants produced from cannabis crops and that cause the well-known weed odor
- Time harvests to minimize ozone impacts and minimize emissions during morning, early afternoon, and summer
Grow Room Air Filter for Weed Smell Removal
One of the biggest ways to eradicate these developing and persisting weed odors is through the use of air filtration and finding the right air filtration will be critical. Many commercial cannabis cultivation facilities will use different types of filtration methods in their facilities, whether that be ozone, ionizers, or carbon filtration. Carbon air filters are the most popularly used type of filters that are found in cannabis grow spaces, due to the technology’s ability to capture and retain chemicals and odors onto its large surface filter media. However, when it comes to really removing those odors and the chemicals that are the driving force behind the weed odors is a carbon air filter sufficient enough to complete the job?
Although carbon air filters are capable of capturing and retaining the pollutants produced from cannabis plants in a cultivation facility, this filter will only be able to store them on the filter media rather than neutralizing and completely removing them from the environment. Therefore, using an air filtration technology like EnviroKlenz HVAC Filters will be a much better option to ensure that the chemicals and odors are actually being removed completely through a safe, non-toxic technology that provides broad array odor and chemical neutralization. The EnviroKlenz technology uses a proprietary earth mineral technology that will capture, contain, and neutralize an array of noxious and toxic chemicals and odors from the air without the use of chemicals, masking agents, or byproduct production. These filters are built for use in commercial environments where the air may be highly volatile each and every day, as they will continually work to neutralize and remove those odors and chemical pollutants from the air for up to 6 months in most environments.
Learn more about the EnviroKlenz technology vs cannabis odors, and the EnviroKlenz earth minerals ability to eradicate this strong odor from commercial spaces.

HVAC Filter

✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ Lasts in the indoor environment for up to 6 months, depending on the conditions
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